Crime is on the Ballot (The Conversation)

Dear Friends,

Don’t worry. This isn’t another election-related email asking for last-minute donations. Instead, I’m sharing my latest piece, “Crime is on the ballot – and voters are choosing whether prosecutors with reform agendas are the ones who can best bring law, order and justice” published yesterday in The Conversation. In it, I take a good, hard look at what’s at stake in prosecutor elections around the country.

In my home state of New Jersey, prosecutors are not elected. But in many states, it’s up to the voters to decide what justice will look like in their local areas. If you live in a place where prosecutors are elected, please take a read. And share this with friends and family who make their homes in places as far-flung as Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Iowa, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Texas, and Washington (to name only a few).

Nothing short of justice is on the line.

If you have a minute, drop me a note, either by email or on the blog, and let me know what you think. I always love to hear from you.

In the meantime, be well…and don’t forget to vote!

Take good care,

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